The whole shebang
Tomorrow’s the end of February. Mum died eleven years ago. This month has involved a last minute writing retreat, two replaced bathrooms, ongoing physio rehab, my sister and family coming to visit, unexpected and unrealistic work deadlines, and the news showing the United States government turning Chaotic Evil. On Bluesky, I continue to stick to my schtick of noticing daily details that are true to me, sometimes amusing and offbeat, and give a little hope. It helps me at least.
The bathrooms are almost complete. The tiles look fantastic. The installers are a Polish father and son, so sweet together, and sometimes the father takes a call and I can hear children’s voices, possibly grandchildren. The son listens to a Polish radio station playing quietly while he works. As lovely as they are, it’s hard to relax, especially working from home. We’re close to getting our house back. Perhaps Tuesday next week.
The book continues to percolate and grow in my mind. I’m reading about estrangement. That’s one of the themes. I’ve started several books this month, but only finished one. The rest are hanging, a dozen or so pages in, waiting for their moment. I have decisions to make about style, voice, form, characters, the whole shebang, but I’ll continue to go at the pace I can manage. I’m more inclined to practice guitar and sing in the evenings as a respite from words and screens. That’s true play.