Kindness in retrospect
I’ve always thought that living life well was more important than writing, and typing that aloud I’m not sure if that sounds obvious, wise or stupid. I know writing regularly is part of the life I want, but often life events sweep away my desire to write, and trying to write under those circumstances results in needless suffering. My internal critic says I’m being lazy, or disorganised, or just not up to the job, but kinder voices reassure me that there is a season for all things.
My day job has been particularly tricky the last twelve months, a pressure built inside me to make a change, and to do a good job of that change required effort. It wasn’t planned in much detail, and it’s only clear what was happening looking back. The next bit of work is managing the transition from here to there. I’m being deliberately vague. I couldn’t write at the same time, that’s what I’m saying. It’s kindness in retrospect.
Last weekend I went to Chillercon, Scarborough, and I met lots of lovely people, which led to me buying even more books. More on that soon.